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When your loved one dies, it is always a terrible tragedy. Whether it was an unexpected accident or an expected end to a long illness, it’s never easy to say good-bye. One of the most difficult aspects of the time following a loved one’s death is putting together a funeral service for them. Here are a few ideas to get you through this time of grief and help you to plan a wonderful memorable funeral service for your loved one.
The funeral service provides an organized opportunity for friends and family to gather and honor to loved one who has died. Once you have made the decision about whether to bury or cremate your loved one you can then begin to put together a funeral service for them. When putting together a funeral service to honor your loved one you are going to need to consider things such as the transportation, the flowers and the music and perhaps any special requests the person has made for their funeral service prior to their death.
When you are considering transportation for the funeral service you will need to decide if you want the funeral home to provide a limousine to carry the immediate family or whether you want the family to ride in a car. You may want to have the funeral route go down a street that holds a certain meaning for your loved one or you can just let them take the closest road to the gravesite.
Music is an important part of a funeral service and can be very meaningful. It may be that your loved one has asked a particular person to sing at their funeral and if that is the case you will want to be sure this person sings. If there are no special requests you will then need to decide for yourself what music would best honor your loved one.
There may be some special things you may want to add to the funeral service such as if your loved one was in the military you may want to have a gun salute at the grave site and have be sure to have the pallbearers dress in uniform. If perhaps your loved one has requested that the casket be closed and a photo of them put on top, you will want to make sure to honor their wishes for their funeral service. A really neat idea at a funeral service is to release doves at the gravesite. This can be a very moving and memorable experience for those attending the service. Keep in mind when you are planning a funeral service for your loved one that they will be looking down on you with love and will be happy with any way you choose to honor them.