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Submitted by: Elizabeth Mcginley
Congratulations on starting your business! But what you should really be proud of is the fact that your enterprise is actually growing! Countless businesses are launched but fail to achieve the momentum necessary to flourish and expand in the marketplace. Hopefully, your company s development will continue well into the future.
However, with increased growth comes some tough decisions. Where will you allocate your finances and resources? Should you focus on marketing, improving your product line, or servicing your current customer base? Where do you want your business to be in five years? Ten years? Twenty?
Here s one step you can take to backstop the health of your growing business: acquiring a merchant services account so you have the ability to process credit card payments. There are a host of reasons why getting a merchant account is a good idea, but here are some advantages that such an account offers businesses that are in a growth phase.
It makes you look like you ve been around for awhile.
Chances are, when customers walk in your door or contact your company via phone or email, they have no idea how long your business has been in existence. So they will probably treat you like they would any other established company. And since the vast majority of all businesses accept credit cards as a form of payment, customers will probably assume that you will as well.
So even though your business is still expanding, don t think of a merchant account as something you ll take care of once you ve made it. You need to do whatever you can to convince the public that you have already succeeded. Meanwhile, having the ability to accept credit cards sooner rather than later will be key in helping you reach your future revenue goals.
It shows your customers that you appreciate them.
The customer is always right right? And if they want to whip out a credit card to make a purchase, do you really want to tell them that they can t? Convenience is a huge selling point, so make sure that your business is doing what it can to make buyers experiences seamless and easy. Plus, many merchant accounts offer you the ability to start a customer loyalty program. So if you can provide another incentive like a frequent shopper card or discount card to keep customers coming back, your revenue is much more likely to increase even more.
It increases your security.
Credit card processes are more secure than checks because of the myriad of protective layers that have been erected by merchant services providers. On the other hand, checks can be easily forged with today s high-tech computer software and printing ink. So unless you can educate all of your employees about the intricacies of forged checks, the odds are good that your staff won t be able to spot a fake check. And your company s bottom line may suffer as a result.
But credit card services also keep your employees themselves safer.
The more credit card transactions your business processes, the fewer cash transactions are conducted. That means less hard currency lying around to tempt would-be thieves or armed robbers. Plus, the payments from patrons credit cards go directly to your bank account without you or an employee having to transport money or checks to your bank.
It makes your accounting easier.
Almost every merchant account comes with additional bookkeeping software to help you keep track of your sales. Not only will these systems document all of your transactions, but they can help you with future business as well. With merchant account software, you ll be able to sort the data and identify trends to discover which products or services are the most popular, who is buying them, and how well your marketing programs are working all of which can assist you in formulating your business strategies as your enterprise continues to grow.
It keeps your options open.
A merchant services provider can supply you with equipment or infrastructure to help facilitate the expansion of your business. Need a few more checkout stands? You can buy or lease the extra hardware and integrate your current software with the new workstations. Want to take your business on the road? You can obtain some wireless swipe terminals which enable the user to quickly process credit card payments almost anywhere. Heading into cyberspace? Most merchant services providers can set your business up with an e-commerce system so you can take credit card payments over the Internet easily and securely.
You know the old mantra of business: you re either moving forward or moving backward. With your company in its growth stage, you want to avoid anything that could potentially stall your momentum. Forgoing the decision to obtain a merchant account may limit your revenue stream if customers prefer to use credit cards for their purchases. That could stunt your company s growth and before you know it, your business is shrinking instead of expanding.
Don t let that happen to you. Look into getting a merchant account for your business today.
About the Author: Elizabeth Mcginley is a freelance writer who writes about a range of topics including merchant accounts.Read more at:
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