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Submitted by: Alvin Pachejo
Getting a puppy is not as easy as picking out a pair of socks to wear. You have to consider a lot of things when getting a pet or else, you may end up having a lot of problems with your puppy or your puppy may have a lot of problems with you. Here are some things to consider in picking out the right puppy for you.
All of us may have certain preferences on the puppy s looks. But, bear in mind that some breeds have high maintenance costs when in comes to food, healthcare, and grooming. A large dog like a Saint Bernard of course, consumes a lot more food than toy dogs. If your dog is short-snouted, it is more prone to respiratory problems. Puppies with long, thick, and curly furs, like Malti-Tzu puppies, need regular grooming. You should first find out if your can afford all these before considering getting a high-maintenance breed.
Most dogs, like Golden Retrievers, need a lot of attention and exercise. These types of active dogs tend to become impulsive when not properly exercised. If you can t walk your dog regularly, you better not choose active dog breeds. Chow Chows are a favorite among inactive dog breeds.
Attention Requirement
While all dogs need attention, and they all want to be with their masters all the time, there are some dogs that can cope up with solitude better than others. If you can t be with your puppy most of the time, Terriers and Siberian Huskies are good choices. They can handle isolation better than Shetland Sheepdogs.
Some dog breeds, like Retrievers, like to follow their masters all the time. Others will run around everywhere when set loose and will just come back when they want to. Some dogs will always wait for your opinion before deciding on what to do. You should decide if you want your puppy to be independent or dependent on you.
Where Your Puppy Will Sleep
Almost all pups prefer sleeping with their masters. But there are some that can be kept in a doghouse in the backyard, or left sleeping inside the house without the fear of it destroying furniture. Know first whether puppy you like will be comfortable wherever you decide it to sleep.
There are certain dog breeds that like to do certain things. They are separated into seven standard breed groups:
Sporting Group Dogs that like to fetch things, from shot birds to slippers.
Hound Group Dogs in this group have a fetish for hunting.
Working Group Dogs that are extremely hardworking and efficient in their tasks, whether it is pulling a sled or protecting your house from intruders.
Herding Group From the name itself, they have a certain knack for herding sheep and cattle. When at home and not in the farm, they herd children instead.
Terrier Group Dogs that prefer action, from chasing vermin to fighting others dogs.
Non-Sporting Group When dogs are too varied in orientation to be classified in other groups, they belong to here.
Toy Group Mini version of other breeds. Because they are bred from big dogs, they inherit most of their characteristics.
In getting a puppy, one must consider the types of activities the pup will be doing frequently.
You might want to search first if the puppy breed is available in your area. You can easily find it in search engines if you include the location in your search (e.g. Puppies Tampa Bay or Orlando Puppies).
Some dog breeds can t survive hot or cold places. Know first if your preferred dog breed can survive the climate in your country.
You should also consider other people and animals in your area in picking out the right puppy. Find out if it is safe to have a certain breed near babies or someone with asthma or respiratory problem. Also, make sure that your puppy will not look at your pet rabbit or bird as potential dinner! Finding the right puppy to suit your lifestyle will lead to a better experience for both you and your pet. Happy breeding!
About the Author: Chi is a Filipino content for an English-learning website start-up specialist, puppy breeder, and an article writer for pets stores like 9 Breeders Happy Tails . See more puppy articles at
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