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Submitted by: Kent Opfer
New marijuana users are trying the drug for the first time and as more states
like New York see the health benefits of a smokeless delivery method versus a
traditional smoking method, businesses and corporations are beginning to perfect
methods that do not involve directly inhaling a smoldering plant. For starters, the
market for marijuana edibles is exploding, particularly in those states that have
legalized cannabis for medical/recreational use. In Colorado for example, Cannabis
purchases by out-of-state visitors account for an estimated 44% of all retail sales in
the Denver area and about 90% in mountain resorts, according to a recent market
study commissioned by the Colorado Marijuana Enforcement Division.
Colorado’s largest maker of infused products, Dixie Elixirs, recently moved to a new
industrial building in Montbello with four times as much space as its former facility
in Stapleton. Another major firm, Medically Correct, is moving from a 1,200sqft
kitchen in the Platte Valley to a nearby building with 8,000 square feet. This also
includes production facilities for its “Incredibles-branded” chocolate bars as well as
space, to grow its own marijuana.
“We’re bursting at the seams,” said Medically Correct co-owner Bob Eschino. “Now
we think we’ve already outgrown this (new space) before we’ve even started. There
are other products we want to do but can’t come out with because we can’t even
keep up with demand for chocolate.”
As marijuana edibles allow users to “ease into the drug”, the vaporizer and e-liquids
space has just started to emerge for smokers to achieve a “cleaner high” and a
more healthy alternative compared to that of rolling a joint. There are a lot more
options available with customization, different e-liquids, and products that can heat
oth dry herb, liquid, and wax. Just as e-cigarettes have dramatically changed the
usiness of tobacco smoking, e-cig technology and vaping are bringing excellerated
change to cannabis markets.
Steve DeAngelo, a marijuana entrepreneur and activist who founded the Harborside
Health Center medical marijuana dispensary in Oakland, told USA Today that “The
arrival of compact, portable, microprocessor-controlled vaporizers and advances in
extracting active ingredients from cannabis plants have caused a shift in consume
Some dispensaries such as his and many in Colorado, where recreational pot is legal,
now do roughly 50% of their business in raw marijuana leaf or flowers, and the rest
in edibles and concentrates, some prepackaged in cartridges for use in vape pens.
“The percentage of raw (pot) flowers we sell has been dropping steadily,” DeAngelo
said. “The percent of extracts and concentrates … has been rising steadily.”
The arrival of marijuana vaporizing goes hand in hand with the recent development
of highly concentrated forms of marijuana extractions in liquid both viscous and
waxy forms. Those concentrates are easily consumed through vaporization and are
used to fuel many of the vape pens on the market.
For most portable vape pens, they still require the same basic prep routine. First,
you mill a pinch of weed—using a “grinder”—until it’s almost powdery, which
ensures it will cook evenly and no oversized nuggets will get singed on the surface
while remaining raw in the middle. You shake this powder into the vape’s heating
chamber, turn on the device, and wait half a minute or thereabouts for it to warm
up. Then you commence inhaling. But as with portable vape pens, how can you
carry your weed, carry your grinder, carry your vape pen, and make sure you still
have room in your pocket for a cell phone?
The answer is simple and quite novel. Meet the Medtainer, the first air tight wate
tight storage container and grinder combination that can easily hang on a neck
lanyard or fit securely into a small bag. Provided by Acology Inc (OTC/QB: ACOL)
the Medtainer is the perfect product when on the go and for the unique situation
where a vape pen is used, the built in grinder is a perfect fit. The company’s
products can be found in more than 100 stores across the US. In a
ecent feature on VICE, the documentary shows that the average
American will be the one to consume cannabis by smoking the herb as
opposed to finding the right wax or e-liquid. Being that there is a patent
on the product and in light of recent growth for recreational legalization
or planned legalization in states like New York, it would seem that a
product like this will be taking a more active role. Investors around the
world can grab their piece of the Medtainer by finding information on
Acology Inc from a broker under the ticker symbol ACOL.
Said to be bigger than the explosion in mobile and nearing the same
precipice as tech in its early days, marijuana has started to effect how
other industries are designing operational strategy. Where once
cannabis users were limited to a dry herb or a medical license, today
you can travel to states and legally buy it from a store in a plethora
of options. Based on this new trend, the market has expanded from
just cultivation and over the counter sales to a full line of accessories
to enhance the experience. For investors looking at marijuana, there
are more alternatives to just investing in pot and the growth in the
secondary accessories market looks to be a viable option for both short
and long-term approaches.
About the Author: I am a blogger that enjoys financial articles and my shiba inu puppy! IF YOU LIKE THIS ARTICLE SEE MORE BY SIGNING UP AT
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